Egress: Some Materials
To give you an idea of the physical artifacts of play:
This is the sketch page where Hamhambone and I came up with Ruby and Axel. We worked from the character creation in My Body Is A Cage together with her own handmade Homestuck OC generator(!), then sanded down the edges and riffed and drew and ran lines until we had something fun.
This is the journal page where I played Act 1, Act 1, Scene 1. My blot writeup expands what’s here from shorthand into narrative in a way that aims to represent of what I was imagining (and sometimes playing out loud) at the time, plus how I’ve grown to think about it once I write it up.
When I played with someone else in person, I asked them to sign their name at the start of the session. But those are for us, not for the reader.